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Old 03-22-2013, 09:15 PM
Suzi Suzi is offline
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Default You bet I am

Originally Posted by RedChariot View Post
WOW! You refer to "patients." If you are a nurse or Dr. I am appauled by your lack of empathy. Thank god I never had you as part of my health care. Obese people are the last minority that it is ok to discriminate against. Refuse to allow them to board an airplane, take away their insurance or have them pay big fines. That will really help won't it. You would not even think to do this to a Black or Hispanic person. Nor the disabled. Shame on you.
Yes, I am a health care provider. And I am guessing you have never had SO many patients in your office who are "litterly" dying of obesity. Yes, dying. A diabetic that is so out of control that their feet and legs are falling off or have gangrene. We cannot control their insulin levels even in the hospital. Or the patient who can't walk to the bathroom even with their oxygen because their lungs don't ventilate because their abdomen is so high and pressing up on their lungs. Or they can't lay down and breathe for the same reason.

Yes, gastric bypass can be an answer for some. It has its own set of side-effects as well AND many patients out-eat their bypasses. YES out-eat them.
But the most concerning issue to all of us is the rate of obesity and at a cost of $50,000 - $100,000 a bypass (average costs including unexpected complications), how can we as a nation afford that. Would it not be in everyones best interest to eat better and maintain a healthy weight to begin with?

You think I seem heartless, unfeeling and uncaring? Do you have any idea how painful it is to watch this happening to a patient (and their loved ones). Patients that you have cared for years and warned them that their life-style choices were going to cost them in terms of pain and suffering. It hurts beyond belief to watch them suffer - the pain in their legs....sometimes I can't give them pain medicine because it will decrease their respirations which could cause death. And when they realize they are not going home.....all I can offer is my compassion and promise that I will watch over their family.

Yes, it is awful, watching helplessly as people eat themselves to an early death. I wish I never had to do it again. It reminds me of a famous baseball player who said "If I had known I would have lived so long, I would have taken better care of myself". Please don't shoot the messenger but this is what I see everyday. More and more and more obese people so that 12 of 20 patients I see everyday are on this destructive course.

I'd rather regret what I've done, than regret what I've left undone. Lucille Ball