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Old 03-28-2013, 03:18 PM
Golfingnut Golfingnut is offline
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Default The Villages Mail Box System!!!!!!!!!

1. I left my mail box key that was so conveniently added to my car key chain with house key and car key in the little door of our mailbox. I was in my golf cart using the car key chain from my pocket

2. By the time I noticed my dumb error; still in my golf cart, I went back to the post office in Duval on Odell street, the keys were gone. Knowing how honest Villagers are, I new they would turn it in to the mail people.

3. The next day, I waited patiently for the mail folks and they said come with us and in to the lost and found box we went. No Keys......

4. They gave me some Ideas like:
a. check with the gate guard - no keys
b. check Laurel Manner Rec Center - no keys

5. Contacted the Ford dealer to get the car key replaced and was informed it would only cost $280.00. I said let me think about that for a day.

6. Went to the post office that issued our mail box key to get another one made and found out that they do not duplicate keys, they replace the lock and keys completely for security reasons. That would only be $24.00 total. I said OK, let do that and the nice lady said have you checked our lost and found here at this post office and I said no, is that even a possibility? She said it worth a look. She came back with a box of approximately 400 sets of car keys. I skimmed the top and thought what the heck, and after combing threw all those keys and sure enough found a set that looked like mine and the ring had on it a house key and a mail box key. Excited, I ran out to the car, removed my wife's set of keys stuck these in and fired that baby up.

So, If this ever happens to you, it is worth the look into that box of 400 sets of car keys on hwy 25 in Lady Lake.

ALSO, Thank you to the honest person that turned the keys into the local mail slot on the outside wall.