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Old 04-08-2013, 09:49 PM
senior citizen senior citizen is offline
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Duke University is a great institution; we know relatives who've been cured of various ills there..........and others who work there.

Ditto, we can trust the research from the New England Journal of Medicine.......

No one is saying that anyone has to eat a certain way or not eat a certain way. Everyone has to choose what works for them.

NO "ONE WAY" is the one and only anything in life. I do not think it is good to be "rigid" about anything.......moderation is not a dirty word; neither is flexibility in meal choices.
If it's a celebratory event and the host has gone to great lengths to provide some well thought out delicious entrees or deserts, why not partake of them........
Tasteless cardboard is not my idea for Christmas or Easter. Dwelling totally on one's health day in and day out also is not conducive to being jovial and enjoying life.
Again, to each his own.........
Mayo Clinic - Mediterranean Diet: Ingredients for a Heart-Healthy Eating Approach
It isn't just olive oil alone that constitutes the healthy eating approach within the Mediterranean Diet.........
When you consider that they do not use butter on their bread........also that they do not use creamy salad dressings on their green salads.....
Olive oil is used sparingly to drizzle on a salad...........or to saute with. It is the rest of the diet, in my mind, that is uppermost.
It's not a "diet" but meal choices..........lots of vegetables and fruits, nuts, SEAFOOD and very little red wine.

Olive oil: What are the health benefits? -
Some Mediterranean Diet recipe.........from Mayo Clinic