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Old 04-12-2013, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Bill-n-Brillo View Post
We've got cell phones as well as a traditional landline (in OH). The ONLY reason we've got the landline is for our home's security system. Those usually have reliability issues when sending info to the monitoring center in the event of a problem/break-in if it's not done via a hard-wired landline.

I think some of the security companies have really improved the wireless technology now. I know that used to be a big problem, but not so much any more. The big problem with the wired security systems are that any burglar with any knowledge will find and cut a land line before they attempt to break in. With the wireless systems, that's not possible. We have Frontpoint Security, a wireless system, at our home in TV and in Kentucky and have never had any problem with the communication with the monitoring center, and we have accidentally tripped it and found out. :-)

Thus, we only have cell phones.
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