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Old 04-20-2013, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by buggyone View Post
Since the Political Forum has been taken down, I believe that the posts are generally more friendly - with some exceptions, of course.

The Political Forum posters had a tendency to get personal and in-your-face quite often. However, I did manage to meet some of the the Political posters on a one-to-one basis and they are very nice guys even though we are on totally opposite ends of the political fence. I extended invites to meet some others but got rebuffed as is their right to meet whomever they want. I certainly would not want anyone to try and find out my identity if I did not want it known. I have gone to Crispers a few times and met some of the Political and other posters (including Gracie). Great to always meet new people.

It is hard to believe there are curmudjons (look that one up in your Funk & Wagnell's) on these forums who actually would want to find out personal idendities in order to bully or hurt others. I know there are some but very few and far between. I suppose they are just generally unhappy people with nothing else to do in life except to look for things to gripe about.
Very well put, buggyone. Not to mention curmudgeon is one of my favorite words.