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Old 05-04-2013, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Heartnsoul View Post
and we allow the classes being brought into the schools. Do you know in Lake county now they will have a "gay-straight" club?? What next, the condom club.?? parents should be involved in what is going on. And having a morning after pill is just encouraging them to have sex. 15 is still a baby. Babies should NOT be having babies.
"Gay-straight" clubs, are typically founded to try and eliminate and work through the ignorance, hate and prejudice...shown toward gays.

What's wrong with that?

As for 15 year olds being "baby's," this country alone has a history of saying...that they are old enough to marry.

I'm personally glad that's no longer the case (in some states it can still happen when both the parents and court allows it), but it used to be very common.

Which is pretty hypocritical, when you listen to the "things were always better in the good old days"....crowd.

Jes sayin'.

