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Old 05-05-2013, 09:11 AM
paulandjean paulandjean is offline
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[QUOTE=senior citizen;671628]Yes, it did happen 60 years ago, but when I think back to our dating period between 1962 to 1965 when we married.........I can't think of one of our friends who got pregnant.....or had to get married in their teens.

I'm sure the biological urges were just was a different era and the young were not bombarded with so much explicit sex in movies, book, television, the internet, etc. No one we knew went to "clubs" in our teens.

We went to the movies or to the beach, etc. or to a lake and then home.

Again, we all married YOUNG. And at the expense of really sounding old, NONE OF US LIVED outside our parents home until our WEDDING DAY.
The t.v. shows of the 70s and thereafter started showing friends living together as roomies.......and the rest is history.

When we were raising teenagers, all of their friends were always welcome into our home........and our great room became the place where they would bring their friends, watch movies on t.v. , play the video games....or swim in our pool in good themselves to the Haagen Daz or Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the kitchen freezer.....etc.

I always felt I'd rather have them AT HOME.......(even if we were sleeping) then out getting hit by a drunken driver..........they always were self disciplined and I must say that my kids had nice friends from good families..........

But, in all fairness to girls and this morning after pill..........let me tell you, my son as a senior in high school.........had to fend off quite a few aggressive girl friends the late 80's there was a "sea change" in what the girls wanted..........vs. what the boys wanted........he always confided in me.............both kids used to say, especially after they were away in college...........that they wanted to wait until they found someone so they could have a good marriage like we did (meaning Dad and I.)

So, I know preaching does not work. Being there for them does work.
Showing by example what a loving steady marriage should be like, works.

We just felt that the schools were intruding on old fashioned parents right to guide their own letting Planned Parenthood into the schools.... Jr. High/Middle School. Our kids were not that sophisticated as they are TODAY in middle school.[ Sounds Good, But you use the term parents, sad fact most kids do not live under those conditions today.