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Old 05-20-2013, 07:18 AM
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Geewiz Geewiz is offline
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1. Healthcare should be a right, not subject to your employer.

2. Folks without heath insurance use the emergency's expensive and you pay when you go to the hospital - hence a 200.00 dollar box of nose tissues.

3. Obamamcare is a wussy move to national healthcare. The french love their health system - the brits, too. Wanna have more options than government a supplemental policy.

4. The major issue is that the gov tries to shave cost by shaving payments to docs. Docs make you pay because they go into great debt for their training. Maybe we should re-think this model.

One way or the other everyone gets treatment. Some better - some worse. Folks with assets always pay and maybe this is right and a just thing. I feel for the folks with serious conditions that will take their life - but, we pay a premium price to give them a band aide. There has got to be a better way.
R.I.P. will be sorely missed

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Hunter S. Thompson