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Old 06-21-2013, 09:01 PM
senior citizen senior citizen is offline
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Originally Posted by KeepingItReal View Post
It's coming, it's coming........The Aporkalypse OOOPS! we missed it....

Yom Kippur & Aporkalypse - The Colbert Report - 2012-26-09 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

On a more serious note: Some say yea, some say nay, about the same number of each.

The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

The Nitrate and Nitrite Myth: Another Reason not to Fear Bacon

In other words, your spit contains far more nitrites than anything you could ever eat.

When it comes to food, vegetables are the primary source of nitrites. On average, about 93% of nitrites we get from food come from vegetables. It may shock you to learn that one serving of arugula, two servings of butter lettuce, and four servings of celery or beets all have more nitrite than 467 hot dogs. (2) And your own saliva has more nitrites than all of them! So before you eliminate cured meats from your diet, you might want to address your celery intake. And try not to swallow so frequently.

The Chris Kresser report was very interesting............thanks for sharing.