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Old 07-02-2013, 06:55 AM
senior citizen senior citizen is offline
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
My opinion is not to have a mortgage. The reason is that if one of you dies that SS money is gone. Can the surviving spouse live on one SS check and still make the mortgage payment?

Living on SS is possible but it must be with no debt.
Excellent advice. It's true. They would be down to one check monthly if the spouse passed away.

We haven't had a mortgage since we were 45 years old since we bought our first home at age 22 and then obviously paid off all the other mortgages.

I've mentioned to my husband how people do buy in TV with mortgages and that they seem to give them out to older people........

He always has told me he would NOT want to start with a mortgage again.

Last count, we have owned and sold 5 homes; this being our 6th home which we will sell, hopefully, next spring. Neither of us would want a mortgage at age 68 now and 69 next year.