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Old 07-21-2013, 06:22 PM
ilovetv ilovetv is offline
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Originally Posted by Villages PL View Post
You raised a good point and I think it's the reason why close to 80% of diets fail. People have been told (promoted by the fast food industry) that they should be able to eat all their favorite foods in moderation. But it's just not realistic. Today, fast-foods are an addiction for most people and the fast food industry doesn't want that "gravy-train" to stop. If more and more people get the idea that they have to eliminate certain foods altogether, fast-food industry profits could take a big hit. So, what to do? Nip it in the bud by stigmatizing healthy eaters as being Orthorexic.
I've never heard people say "eat with moderation" meaning that one should "be able to all their favorite foods in moderation". What I think it means is "don't starve and deprive yourself" and "don't pig out, either"! To me, eating a "moderate" amount of a fattening food means a "reasonable" amount....not too much, and not "none" or "so little that you keep on craving it and so you keep shoving substitutes in that do not help". If somebody craves a steak, a lettuce salad is not going to help. So in other words, have a steak now and then--not often--and don't make it a 3 pound one, but make it a "moderate" sized one with a "moderate" amount of fat that can be trimmed off once it has provided some flavor to the meat.