Thread: Fross & Fross
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Old 08-01-2013, 11:00 AM
rubicon rubicon is offline
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Perhaps I am mistaken but I subscribe to that philosophy of "beware of Greeks bearing gifts."

It served me well in my corporate life in that I selected outside vendors, suppliers ,providers, etc based on performance . In fact every time I assume accountability for another department my first task was to determine if outside people were chosen on merit or perks.

Fross & Fross's noted for give-a-aways via golf ,etc. Before you answer too quickly by saying that they do so to show their appreciation that's exactly what I got from those vendors whom I let go after an extensive investigation showed me they were more apt to be prone toward appreciation then they were told successful results and the latter is what I was seeking.

Burton Malkiel in Random Walk speaks to the issue of holding long, benchmarks and low operating fees, etc.

I know nothing about Fross except the well publicized perks. I have no idea what their average ROI is for their customers nor the expenses and fees open or hidden associated with doing business with them.

I also learned that leading experts in this field argue all the time defending their various philosophies .

Since 1978 I have focused on investment and the most repeated issue of mutual agreement among investors speak to Burton Malkiel's basic investing principles.