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Old 08-04-2013, 05:11 PM
Villages PL Villages PL is offline
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
There isn't any way that we can tell what percentage of villagers is interested in improving the health of this place.
They could ask that question on the next survey: Does anyone really care?

There isn't any way we can change the minds of people who have bad health habits.
And yet, according to the Daily Sun (weekly articles) they are going to try. They claim they are going to teach people how to take care of themselves. Good luck with that.

We are all allowed to do as we wish, either choose healthy things to do or suffer for our wrong choices.
Isn't that a defeatest attitude? Where is the cohesion, or desire, for the Villages to become America's healthiest hometown?

It doesn't help to lecture, suggest, harangue and nag. You will get the attention of those who agree with you and aggravate those who don't.
Am I being lectured, harangued and nagged? Is this an example of it?

The best way to get a point across is to live your life in such a way as to make people want to be more like you are. (IN MY OPINION)
If only they could have seen me eating my breakfast this morning.

I think most people really don't strive for living without medicine or for living the longest and I can't agree that they should.
Living the longest is optional.

Most people have other problems and can't or don't want to concentrate on the perfect diet.
But they have time to concentrate on a poor diet? They don't have to eat a perfect diet because there's no such thing as a perfect diet.

They want to live healthily but may not have the oomph or the interest for running or bicycling or working out , and eating what most of us consider an extreme diet, even if someone could guarantee that it would add years to their lives.
I think I get it. You are speaking for all of them, and you're saying they want to live healthily but they don't want to do anything to earn earn it? That's really sad.

I have NO idea how many people I speak for. It is just a gut feeling I have. Maybe just me.
Well, you just answered my question....ending on an honest note is much appreciated.

Last edited by Villages PL; 08-05-2013 at 08:43 AM.