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Old 08-18-2013, 04:32 PM
Villages PL Villages PL is offline
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Originally Posted by kittygilchrist View Post
My friend said your posts are very helpful and have alleviated anxiety. if there are more folks with something to say...please do.
Bypass operations, for the most part, can be avoided by improving ones diet, but cardiologists almost never offer this choice($$$). When people improve their diets, their arteries respond almost immediately. When people do get a bypass, they are told to improve their diet so that their arteries won't get clogged up again. So it's not as though they don't have to change their diet anyway. That being the case, why not try a change of diet now and avoid surgery altogether?

Am I in trouble yet? Right about now someone is ready to tell me that I'm not a doctor. That's true, but at least I'm not biased by the fact of making money on bypass operations. I won't make any money whether he gets a bypass or not. I just want to pass on some information that was given to me by cardiologists.

Book: "The Cardiovascular Cure" by John P. Cooke, MD. PhD.

I recommend this book because most people like to eat some meat and this book allows for it. There are other excellent books that call for vegetarianism, and some call for veganism. Dr. Dean Ornish has a few books on this subject and there are many others by other doctors.

Is there a risk to trying this approach? Yes, there is, but no more than the risk of going for a bypass operation, in my opinion. Surgery is never without risk.

Last edited by Villages PL; 08-18-2013 at 05:52 PM.