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Old 08-30-2013, 10:54 AM
manaboutown manaboutown is offline
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Try the mountain oysters at the Testicle Festival at the Charlo Rec Club in Montana sometime. Yum! Their ad says "Come have a ball!" I have the T shirt to prove I was there.

I think I have eaten everything listed so far except for the possum which I have never had the opportunity to chomp down upon. I have also eaten smoked Minke whale meat in Norway, seal, black bear, prong horn antelope, goat, pigeon, quail and pheasant. I tried a piece of mountain lion (yuk) but could not chew it enough or get it down. I have eaten some grasshoppers with chili powder on them and ants dipped in chocolate in Mexico, "dancing shrimp" in Japan and escargot and horse meat in France. I love venison, elk, frog legs, calf's brains, sushi, abalone, geoduck (a large clam found in the state of Washington), crayfish and fresh sturgeon caviar washed down with ice cold Russian vodka.

On occasion in New Mexico I eat menudo, which contains tripe.

I have never tried any marsupial, such as kangaroo or wallaby, any primate such as a monkey, grub, dog or rat (unless I ate at the wrong Chinese or Vietnamese restaurant).

I do not quite have the stomach of Andrew Zimmern (in more ways than one!) but I do enjoy his shows.
"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth." Plato

“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.” Thomas Paine

Last edited by manaboutown; 08-30-2013 at 02:10 PM.