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Old 09-18-2013, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Snookie View Post
Morse wants to develop the Village of Fruitland Park.
Fruitland Park wanted to have use of our Rec Centers and Morse said it is not going to happen. Fruitland Park now wants Morse to build them a rec center.

If it is a go it will be a double edged sword for Fruitland Park.

1. They will be under our control in the fact that we will have a voting majority with us out numbering the people living in Fruitland Park.

2. The other side is that they will loose millions of dollars in taxes, if they do not let us build. Those are their trade offs as I see it.

I think Morse will build them their own rec center and say "Here it is, you staff it and take care of it we are done with it." This is only my guess.


We will see. I say he will not have to build them a rec center and they will let him buy and develop the land on his terms.
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