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Old 11-04-2013, 07:37 AM
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lightworker888 lightworker888 is offline
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Homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa, which you can get at The Vitamin Shoppe or Lake Nutrition, works really well with runny nose and itchy eye symptoms. Sinus problems can clear up if the nose issue is addressed and using a netti pot will keep the nose pollen and virus/bacteria free. This may sound "weird" but DH and I use paper tape over the mouth at night, and it reduces phlegm from mouth breathing and reduces snoring too. DH used nasal sprays for years that eventually dried the nose lining too much and created more challenge until he stopped using and went to the neti potting. Rebounding on the mini trampoline also helps clear allergies as it helps the lymph system work better and gets the circulation paths clear so the immune system can work properly and handle the allergens. All kinds of "different" ways to eliminate allergy symptoms without resorting to drugs. Just have to try things out to see how your body will react.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Lao-tzu