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Old 11-04-2013, 03:46 PM
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lightworker888 lightworker888 is offline
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Forgot to mention that you can make your own solution using 1/8 tsp of nk or gray sea salt (Himalayan) and equal part of baking soda which will balance out the PH. I also make sure that the water is very warm so that you cannot feel it as it goes through because it is close to body temp. I have found that as long as the salt and BS are in equal portion you do not feel the water,but occasionally if I use too little bs you can feel the acidity and then I just add a bit more baking soda. Also keep your mouth open so the water can come out if iit gets into the mouth. It seems to make the journey through the sinuses easier.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Lao-tzu