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Old 11-13-2013, 07:19 AM
rirlam rirlam is offline
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Update on Trailwind Villages North of 466A and West of Sandhill Golf Course:
The project site comprises 157.02 acres located on the north side of CR-466A, between CR-
462A/Powell Road and S Buena Vista Boulevard. The property has CMU (Central Mixed Use)
future land use designation. In February 2012, the property was rezoned from CMU to PD
(Planned Development) by City of Wildwood Ordinance No. 2012-07. The City's
comprehensive plan and code requires CMU properties to be rezoned/master planned to PD in
order to develop them.

The applicant is requesting a comprehensive plan amendment to designate the property as a
RAC (Regional Activity Center) pursuant to Chapter 380.06(2)(e) of the Florida Statutes and
Rule 28.24.014(10) of the Florida Administrative Code, along with a corresponding
amendment to the PD zoning approval in order to develop the property with approximately 450
residential dwelling units (assisted living/skilled nursing and independent living), 500,000 sq.ft
of commercial sales, and 200,000 sq.ft of commercial office uses. Additional density/intensity
is allowed pursuant to the RAC thresholds for a mixed use development, however it is not
anticipated that the maximum intensity will be achieved based on the proposed uses. The
attached RAC map exhibit provides the conceptual mixture of uses. The Trailwind section starts about page 18 of the following:
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is. Yogi Berra.