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Old 11-23-2013, 12:25 AM
Doctommft Doctommft is offline
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Originally Posted by ilovetv View Post
This has been discussed before, how when coming into the tunnel from the sun, it's dark in there and it takes a few seconds for vision to adjust and some of us have had near misses....could have hit somebody accidentally and it would be a horrible thing.

Runners, bicyclists and walkers have defended their "right" to be in there, which technically they have a right to do because they're multi-modal trails.

But, others of us see it as toying with the opportunity to keep making their point on their tombstone with it saying, "I was RIGHT, dammit!".

Some seem to think they cannot be harmed by a 700-pound vehicle (golf cart) coming upon them in a low visibility tunnel. Worse yet, some have seemed to think an accident like that would be all the cart driver's fault. Scary.
I made it a habit to slow well below 10 mph for the reasons you state; transition from the brightness to the dark tunnel, and the fact that you can't tell whose in there and what they will do. At 10 mph, I have increased the safety factor to the point where I will feel little or no regret/guilt if an accident occurs.