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Old 07-31-2007, 06:25 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite, FL-05 to host constituent outreach

Earmarks attached to spending bills by congressional representatives are an issue of concern for all taxpayers. Many in Congress are now voluntarily disclosing exactly what special spending requests they have requested whether or not those requests have been approved. As taxpayers it's important for all of us to know exactly where and how our representatives plan on spending our money.

Ms. Browne-Waite refuses to indicate the extent of her earmarks and to what pet projects the money will go. This is not acceptable and she needs to be indicate where she plans on spending our money.

I can't attend the meeting but somebody needs to question her staff person regarding this important issue. Hopefully she will provide an adequate answer, but since she refused to respond to the Tampa Tribune when asked she'll no doubt remain silent once again.