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Old 07-31-2007, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: Poll - Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

With much respect I need to reply: Sorry, Mr. Talk Host, but if you lived in Arizona as I do you would soon change your tune. We have been mislead by politicians and the media into believing that our economy almost depends on illegals. The other side of the equation is astonishing. Crime, social services, prison expenses, all kinds of medical expenses far outweigh the benefits of lower paid labor. Does EVERY illegal immigrant commit crimes? Of course not but when the promise from coyotes about jobs turns out to be false some of these "victims" respond in ways that are not favorable to themselves or to others. The coyotes are making big money packing these poor folk into trucks and dropping them off in all parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. In fact, you have no idea how many of these desperate people were dropped off in the desert of AZ and told to fend for themselves. We all know how that usually ends! I think that most Americans favor increasing immigration quotas but for those who play by the rules. Illegality is never something we should turn a blind eye from....even if we think there is some kind of financial benefit to us. But this is a free country and we're not punished for our opinions. Hope I'm a Villager before too long.