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Old 01-14-2014, 10:35 PM
ilovetv ilovetv is offline
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Ice cream was tasteless. Left funny aftertaste in my mouth....sorry
Wife and I tried the ice cream and couldn't finish it, threw half away. I've eaten a lot of ice cream in my day ( still do ) but this was the worst...........sorry.
My experience was the same as missy pie and Bill32. Tasteless ice cream, and I refused to buy what would have been my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd flavor choices, because those tubs and most others had globby, melted scoops--scraped from the bottom of the barrel--thrown into them and re-frozen. Yuck. That's why I quit going to Kilwin's at Spanish Springs, but at least their ice cream has flavor. Scooples tasted like a cheap mix with no vanilla extract or maybe a hint of fake vanilla, bad aftertaste.

The other problem was the big waffle cone tasted like poster board. I've made those waffle cones and they're a no-fail thing if you put in the butter, sugar and vanilla the recipes call for. These were awful and certainly not worth the extra money.