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Old 08-17-2007, 05:15 PM
villagerjudy villagerjudy is offline
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Default Re: This administrator would like your opinion

Can anyone name the past 4 ads that have appeared on the board so far? I can only name one and I'm not sure if it really the acai berry stuff. I can ignore political ads just as easily as I can ignore other ads.

Now for political discussions....put them in a separate forum where if anyone goes they understand that their political love may get bashed and their personal feelings hurt. I do have my politically preconceived notions but sometimes someone can take a brick out of my distorted reality and let a different light in. Heck I can always ignore what is said in the forum too. It has the potential for fun.......

Poor Jan we are going to have to pay you since this will be a full time job for you by the time all the ideas are instituted.