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Old 03-06-2014, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by justjim View Post
My considered opinion is that people are overreacting to credit card "compromising."

The main reason I make that statement is that most, if not all, credit card companies pay for any charges made by someone other than you. Folks, it's not a big deal and I make that statement from Experence.

Now, identity theft is something entirely different. Some obviously don't know the difference or get the two confused.
Credit card compromising is a pain in the arse and shouldn't be inflicted by some low life that is looking to ride the gravy train. I don't think people are overreacting it is a real problem; however, I do think threats of lawsuits over this post is overreacting. I doubt any intelligent clear thinking person would base their choice of going to a restaurant on this one post. Those that would you probably wouldn't want as customers anyway. And on the bright side Evergreen has gotten more publicity out of this then any possible potential damage from the original post. Just my opinion.