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Old 09-06-2007, 09:51 AM
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Default It's Against The Law...

...and if Vick didn't know that, he should have.

Chances are that Vick grew up in an environment where dog-fighting was common and accepted. The "sport" is objectionable to most people, but probably few in the circle of friends and relatives of Vick. But it is against the law (in Georgia, at least) and Vick must face judgement for violating those laws. End of that part of the story.

The gambling part of the incident seems to be more offensive to his employer, the Falcons and the NFL, than his status as a convicted felon. Again, he must face whatever penalties the NFL chooses to mete out after his period of incarceration is completed.

The combination of the two "penalties" seems tough, but Vick should have considered what he was getting into before he started.
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