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Old 03-11-2014, 04:46 PM
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Default To the SINGLES out there in TOTV land...May I have your attention?

It may be my imagination, but, it seems that our Meet and Greet Singles movement on TOTV, as well as our usual entertaining Singles threads, have slowed to a snails pace. Where once we enjoyed daily posts about our special issues, and any given day one of us had something planned for the week to get our singles community together - especially, encouraging the new singles to join in - there are now days that go by without a single new post.

Of course, I am just as guilty of not participating the way I used to - getting too wrapped up in the horror, that is my home renovations, but, I realize that where once the singles community was there for me, when I first arrived, I haven't been very good at reciprocating, lately.

So, I'm hoping with this little kick in the pants, for all of us, we can once again be the voice of singles in the Villages and maybe all of those who have lost interest may, once again, add their collective opinions to this site.

It would be great if we got our Meet and Greet group animated again by pushing away from our televisions and internet dating sites - or what ever you are doing on the internet that you won't admit to and, yes, even a golf game or two - to attend Karen's St Patricks Day party on March 15th. We always have a lot of fun playing games (even those who say they're bad at it). So those of you who came to our parties in the past, but, have lately been a

And for you NEW SINGLES to the Villages, we know how hard it is to take that first step to making friends, but, take it from someone who went through it. You may walk into our group as a stranger, but, you'll walk out with a bunch of great friends. It's a phenomenon that I wouldn't have believed possible, if it weren't for the fact that it happened to me.

So what do you say PARTY POOPERS? Let's make this next Meet and Greet party the best yet! Oh, and let's get some titillating and thought provoking threads going on TOTV, it's better than Luminosity to get those gears going.
