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Old 09-09-2007, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: Poll - Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

NAY, NAY and NAY. Agree with all said above. BTW "Kahuna", the Mexicans aren't the only illegals. There are Brazilians, Europeans, Middle East, Russians, Chinese, etc.. It's all a game. Get a US Visa,(or don't), then disappear when you get here. Use a phony SS Card or Green Card for employment (no way for employer to check validity, (privacy, you know).

To ignore the borders is tantamount to treason on the part of our officials. What other country in the world can you walk in and get the governmental "welcome" you do here. It's just NUTS!!

Can you say North American Union. It's coming I fear, as the "solution" to the immigration problem. No borders, no problem.

Not good news!