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Old 09-15-2007, 12:58 AM
Lucko Lucko is offline
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Default Re: Any Map of the Villages

Go to ( -- click on "the villages info" -- on the left side, click on "villages-map" -- that will bring up an image of Florida, and that is the first of seven pages of maps -- look at all, but page six and page seven are the top part of the villages and the lower part -- it is not perfect, but is the most helpful map that I have found besides the $5.00 map and the hand outs at the sales centers. Also, the Villages was developed from top right going to the left and then more recently the left side was developed from top to bottom -- Bond prices increase in the same pattern-- Also, for sales or rentals, check with "the Villages, outside multiple listing agents, and by owner--it takes all three sources to cover "the Villages" -- Many of the older homes were "manufactured" -- Most on-line maps are out of date as the villages are growing so fast-- I searched the whole country and all of Florida and bought in Duval--Good Luck--
Central Illinois + Duval