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Old 04-08-2014, 10:22 AM
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Originally Posted by njbchbum View Post
Gracie - If I am recalling the same event - didn't that resident have his dog out in his yard _*without_* a leash and the dog went to the water's edge while the resident was busy with some landscaping work in the yard and was not paying attention to the dog until he heard the dogs whelps?

Can't blame that on the gator if the resident violated the 'leash law' here and paid attention to his dog rather than his landscaping!

Responsibility and common sense would have gone a long way to avoid that situation!

That is true. It is my own set of values Maria. I think of dogs as family members and alligators as wild animals that I feel no affection for. The dog owner was careless and then he put himself in harms way to do what he did.

I doubt if we would have many issues or problems of any sort if all people behaved with common sense and never drank and got a bit fuzzy, but they do. I think removing large gators is protecting us, stupid and unstupid, careful and careless. drunk or sober, animal lovers and non animal lovers. The alligators don't pay taxes..

I am acting from my own inner instincts and what I think is right or wrong and do not expect everyone to agree.
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