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Old 04-09-2014, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl in Tampa View Post
No, Alligators in close contact with humans is not good. Before long they lose their fear of humans and become a hazard to the pets and young children of humans.

Do you realize what you are saying? You think we should tolerate gators in our ponds at the risk of our grandchildren? There are 1.3 MILLION gators in Florida. They don't need to be in close proximity with us. And, it is impossible to clear all of the gators from our ponds and keep them out. We are not "wiping out the species."

If you tolerate gators in close proximity to humans too long, guess who's coming to dinner:
The reason that alligators lose their fear is that people FEED them! That is a stupid thing and an illegal thing to do!! The alligator associates people with being fed and bad outcomes occur.

YES, we should tolerate alligators in our ponds. Do not let your dogs go by ponds. Do not let grandkids feed alligators at ponds or at Lake Sumter Landing. Educate your grandkids about conservation as well as safety.

That photo is a faked one. Alligators do not get up on their back legs by themself. Where did you find it?