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Old 04-26-2014, 05:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Golfingnut View Post
I see blind faith as giving up, not giving in. If god exists and made us in his image, why do some never question it and those like me that feel foolish if I do not question. Why was I plagued with an inquisitive mind even as a child. Did god give me this personality, then a threat to burn for eternity because I use it the way it was given to me. I often return to read sermon on the mount by the profit Jesus Christ to keep my bearings, but the Bible (king James) is filled with childish fairy tales.

You are absolutely correct. Many people around the world turn to faith because it is a tradition, the way of life handed down to them and part of the way they live, their holidays and celebrations and all of their traditions are linked to it. Bright people should and do challenge and come up with their own answers. Not only in Christianity, but Judism and Budhism and Islam and Taoism and any faith one can think of. If God is than questions and investigations are not going to demolish him. or her. And if he is not, then one comes then to that conclusion.

I find comfort in Tradition, as many do. Here is one of my favorite characters in one of my favorite musicals. Hope you enjoy.

tevye tradition youtube - Bing Videos
It is better to laugh than to cry.