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Old 10-17-2007, 07:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Lets have an honest, unemotional discussion about Hillary being our next prez.

Wow - so much for "honest, unemotional....."

After reading many of the posts, it seems like people are looking for a 4-year monarch and not the chief of the Executive Branch of our government. There seems to be a lot of condemning of presidents (present and past) without looking to the fact that the Legislative and Judical branches have (in many ways) much greater impact.

My civics book taught me that:
A. the Legislature makes the laws and then allocates how much in the way of resources the Executive Branch gets to administer and enforce the laws.
B. The Judical Branch provides interpretations of the laws when there are disputes on what was meant in the language of a statute or regulation.
C. The Executive Branch administers and enforces the law, utilizing the resources given to it by the electorate through the Legislative Branch.

As simple as all of that sounds, it really is the way it works - whether at the federal or state level.

So, are you looking for a monarch with a touch of charisma whose followers, like a royal court, become the ersatz dukes and duchesses running bureaucratic fiefdoms - or -
are you looking for someone who can handle the reins of a 3+ million employee establishment involving many diverse types of operations, and with the good sense to appoint a staff of professionals with REAL SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE to oversee these operations, instead of just repaying campaign service and contributions by dispensing titles and assigning governmental turf for exploitation? AND as a stockholder in this government-business, what sort of dividend or service do you expect to get from this chief executive?

I'm not convinced there is ANYONE in today's race - regardless of political party affiliation - who has such skills. What I've seen so far reminds me of old western movies where a huckster stands beside a painted wagon, BS'ing about how good his/her brand of snake oil is. The curricullum vitae I've read on these candidates are thin at best, and I haven't seen where any of them has the managerial experience of running/leading anything beyond a 20-person staff (and how well did they do that?).

The bottom line is - What qualifications do you expect a president to have? What do you think the job really is? AND if you had to personally sign the paycheck for this person and pay them from your own bank account (business or personal), what would you want for your money?