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Old 10-18-2007, 09:45 AM
gigi22 gigi22 is offline
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Default Re: Lifestyle Preview

We're coming down for a third time. It isn't free. It's costing us $125 a night, which is still a great deal considering that they're putting us up in one of the cottages and you get the free meals). You get free dinners at Katie Belles (you can eat upstairs (Cattleman's Club?) where the meals can cost $75), lunch at Arnold Palmer's, dinner at the Cane GardenCountry Club and dinner at the Lighthouse restaurant (I might not have the names of the restaurants quite right). Oh, and a lunch at the Sumter Landing headquarters. You get two rounds of golf, and tennis. Could be other things that I'm forgetting. The number of dinners depends on how long you're going to stay. The first time we stayed for a week. The last two times have been for a few days. They know that we've sold our home and we're going to buy, so that may make a difference as to whether you get a third Preview.