Thread: Sloooooow play
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Old 07-14-2014, 02:22 PM
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Ithreeputtoo Ithreeputtoo is offline
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I agree with how slow play can be bad for your golf game. My golf game suffers when I have to stand and wait and wait and wait to hit the ball. No I am not a great golfer but I move along and hold no one up. A foursome that I play with often on the championship courses usually can be done with 18 holes in 3 1/2 hours or a little less if no one is in front of us holding us up. I know that is faster than is normal. I am one for making every golfer that has a resident ID attend the Good Golf School before they can make the first tee time so that they know what "Ready Golf" is and to RAKE the bunker and to put the rake back in the bunker correctly and many more tips that they need to know when they are out on any of our golf courses.