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Old 07-16-2014, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
I do believe that the US and her allies should try to get these sides to negotiate for solutions to their problems. A powerful outsider might be the only opportunity they have of stopping the violence for a while.
Not sure who that would be. But it has certainly been proven over the presidents tenures over my life time that the USA....IS NOT.....going to change how these peoples think or act.

We have no basis to give advice. We as a nation were not in existence yet when they were killing each other.

We, the USA, are certainly not looked upon favorably by that part of the world, so why do we think we can change the course of their history?
Especially as we, the USA continue to demonstrate our inability take care of our own.

We are not the influence we once were in the region. And back then when we were it did not affect how they think and act.

At some point it will dawn on our politicians they are wasting precious time and resources on that part of the world. History documents this status.