Thread: Aljazeera
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Old 07-18-2014, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by CFrance View Post
That's why I stopped watching 60 Minutes.

Me too. Those of us who responsibly did what responsible people should do, Tried to help, volunteer, guide our children with strength and compassion and set a good example are now getting tired.

It takes a lot of energy to get emotionally involved with issues. I have thrown in the towel. I can't effect change on most things.

I care. So my blood pressure goes up and my heart rate increases and I get stress related stuff when I watch the horrible things humans do to other humans on TV.

And just like everyone else who is older. Our family wants us to hang around as long as we can. So that prayer that ends with...and the wisdom to know the difference is now my prayer..
It is better to laugh than to cry.