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Old 08-02-2014, 07:45 PM
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Default I hear you but ths was attacking their chickens

Originally Posted by Patty55 View Post
I don't like hunting, never did. I hate seeing deer tied on the roof of a car. IMO, it's barbaric but at least those people are going to eat it.

To trap and then shoot three racoons is beyond barbaric, it's just wrong. I wouldn't trust this person around animals and children.

I hear you, but........

This raccoon family were a nuisance as they were killing their chickens/laying hens.

The chicken coop is right up close to the the critter was too close for comfort with children about.

Their house is up 600 feet of dirt road driveway.......from the regular dirt road which leads to another dirt road before one gets to a narrow paved road in very very rural area.......with forest all around them..........hard for city dwellers to imagine. It's a different way of life up there. Everyone hunts & has rifles. He is excellent with children by the way & very educated; Ph.D etc. I was surprised myself, however, it was a nuisance wild animal..........not a golden retriever.

Ten acres of wooded land equals a lot of critters. Believe me, my daughter is an animal lover as are the three children, however, this critter was killing their beloved laying hens. Our grandaughter loves the chickens so much, she brings them into the house. All the kids there bring their chickens to's a rural area. Smart people who just like to live in the country.

They also have a black bear or two on their ten acres of land in northern very rural Vermont. The black bear killed the groundhog (that killed their first group of chickens).

Plus ferrets & other nuisance animals...........all of which live in the wild.

Anyone who has come from a "rural life" prior to retirement in Florida will understand.

Those of us born in the cities, or suburbia.......even if now living in a small town, may not "get it". I'm glad we live where we northern Vermont is quite rugged but beautiful. I could not deal with what they have to deal with but I guess it's worth it when you can chop down your own Christmas tree each year from your own land........

Second one down, after the bears,.....apparently, you can take the fur of a raccoon, etc.
