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Old 08-07-2014, 05:18 PM
Villageswimmer Villageswimmer is offline
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Originally Posted by Papa Cuma View Post
That is all well and good if it makes you feel better but the facts are these.
Lawyers always pursue those with the deepest pockets aka assets, the renter more than likely lives out of state or is a foreigner, the renter may have all their assets in a trust, the renter may not have any assets, the renter may be difficult to find, the renter really has no dog in this fight, he is just a renter. The insurance companies will look for any loophole so as not to accept financial responsibility. What is left is you the owner, a sitting duck for any blood sucking lawyer who will make your life a living hell and cause you many sleepless nights and maybe loss of everything you have worked for.

Agree, I attended a legal seminar which pretty much confirms what you have to say. Scary but true.