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Old 12-24-2014, 11:15 AM
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tippyclubb tippyclubb is offline
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Congratulations Quirky! Yes it is emotional saying goodbye to Co workers and I even cried when hugging some goodbye. It was just as hard leaving our home and I cried when the front door shut for the last time. So many emotions arose when saying goodbye to family and friends before moving to TV. I was not expecting retiring, and the big move to be that hard so I do understand.

I can tell you it won't take long for you to adjust to your new life. What your feeling now is temporary. You'll be so busy doing things you've dreamed of you won't have time to think of what you left behind.

I find Skype invaluable for keeping in touch with family and friends. Good luck to you in your new adventure in life.
Laughter is medicine for the soul.