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Old 01-06-2008, 04:23 AM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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Default Re: Fruit Trees and Gardening in TV?

I use an ozonator to considerably lessen the need for chemicals, because I have eye problems and can't chance being splashed with water treated with chlorine and/or other chemicals. The technology of ozonators is not new, and any dealer in hot tubs can provide information and sell such a unit. They are not particularly expensive. Mechanically it's pretty simple: As the water circulates in a hot tub, it goes past the ozonator, which contains a blue light that creates the ozone and treats the water. I pulled the following out of a link I just picked up in a Google search for "hot tub ozonator how it works." Hope this helps.


"This ozonator sanitizes your hot tub water. This means you don't have to constantly use chemicals like chlorine. Ozone water purification is up to 3,000 times more powerful than ordinary water sanitizers and doesn't have that 'chemical smell' normally found in pools and hot tubs. An ozonated hot tub will also last longer between water changes. Wondering how it works? It's simple. Ozonators create ozone gas, then inject it into the water, killing bacteria."