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Old 01-08-2015, 11:25 AM
Abby10 Abby10 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rags123 View Post
I read your link and am glad you shared it, but it more than ever cemented my thoughts. Again, the article speaks of how we are guilty again. While I understand there is more to this, I suggest this quote from the ending..

"What we are left to contemplate is a group of new immigrants, large but not the largest, who come from poor and religious backgrounds, who are settling into the social, political and reproductive patterns of their new homes, but whose progress is sometimes interrupted economically and educationally, and therefore socially, by institutions that deny them the same opportunities as their native-born neighbours. This may feel like an unprecedented phenomenon. But, as we shall see in the next chapter, it is far from unprecedented. We have been through all of this before."

I noted that it says "it is far from unprecedented. We have been through all of this before." and I offer this...

Yep it did happen before as I have said in my posts. Difference was the ACCEPTANCE of the United States Law both by the immigrant and by the United States. We have become our own worse enemy by using the plight of people, whether immigrant or something else, to launch guilt at everyone in the country who does not agree with allowing.

Nobody is forcing anyone to come to the US......but we should force respect for and conformity with our LAW.

I never have a problem with solutions to solve poverty or lack of education, etc, but I do have a problem being guilted into it. There are good reasons to solve those problems and we have done it before but not in the current environment we have in this country. We are a giving and understanding people, but do not take well to being forced into it.

And no other group has brought their OWN LAW with them...a law that is in direct difference with our existing law here. Observing of religion is not a problem but changing the law of the land where you want to live to allow for those religious freedoms is not something we are based on,
I have been reading this thread with great interest and appreciate the wisdom and thought provoking posts from many of you. The sentence that is in bold and underlined above really made me think - if you put it in the simplest of terms (sometimes my little brain just works that way!), it's like inviting someone to live with you in your own home. If they don't respect you and the rules that you lay out for them in order to live there peacefully with you, it seems that only one of 2 things can happen. Either their ways/attitudes/ beliefs will eventually take over because you feel intimidated/quilty/or whatever, OR you will stand up to them and tell them to leave! Put in these terms, the right answer seems so simple.