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Old 01-07-2008, 01:40 AM
tony tony is offline
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Default To enhance reading pleasure of our posts

Please don't forget punctuation when you post messages. Capitalization? Many of us are guilty from to time to time and forget to capitalize properly. The lack of punctuation, however, will make your post illegible, illiterate, impossible to read.

I don't know about the others, but if I have difficulty in the first couple sentences of a post, I move on.

None of us are perfect writers, but please try to make our reading easier.

Also, don't be afraid to break your post with a couple carriage returns, or Enter keys, between thoughts. It gives us all a chance to breathe. It is easier to read than having to plow through 20 or 30 lines of type that have no paragraph breaks. If we have to try to reconstruct where sentences should begin and end, too, your message doesn't get through very clearly.