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Old 01-13-2015, 08:04 PM
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villagetinker villagetinker is offline
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First let me state I o not have a dog in this fight, I live south of 466a.
However, I recently had the opportunity to travel this section of Morse Blvd, going to and from the hospital. I can see there are many valid concerns. I took a look at Google maps, and it appears that the golf cart lanes could POSSIBLY be moved to the left and right sides of Morse Blvd. This would solve the first problem, getting the golf carts away from the cars. The second one, how the get across Morse Blvd. will probably require the installation of at least 2 possibly as many as 4 traffic lights at suitable locations to allow safe crossing of Morse Blvd. This would also slow down the traffic significantly.

I present the above ideas as a possible basis for discussion with the parties interested in solving the problems in this area. There are several points to keep in mind: This portion of TV was built way before the parts to the south, and was probably more than suitable at the time. There are probably existing right of ways that will either help or hinder this possible solution. I am certain, that this will not be looked on kindly by all of the people that have property adjacent to Morse Blvd.

Please do not shoot the messenger, these are just my humble ideas.
Pennsylvania, for 60+ years, most recently, Allentown, now TV.