Thread: Global Warming?
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:39 AM
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Default No so sure about that

Originally Posted by TNLAKEPANDA View Post
There is No such thing as GW.... It is all hype to gain control and make money!
Not so sure about our weather has been totally unpredictable seasonally, from one extreme to another.

We've actually seen our pattern of seasonal weather change.....

Since 1970 (when the seasons were quite predictable in Vermont), it was pretty easy to determine what type of weather each season would produce...........NOT SO ANYMORE. Big big changes, especially the last twenty years.......perhaps longer.

Winter, obviously, always had cold temps & snow.
But by January 15, the January winter thaw would arrive, like clockwork.

Not so anymore.

We've gone through many winters that were entire generation of little ones never got to use their sleds nor skiis.

Winters became even more WET rather than snowy.......with flooding because of the heavy rains on top of frozen ground.......everyone began putting in French drains.......then it would go to the other EXTREME & we all began getting ice dams or jams on our roofs, under the everyone began putting on ice glides.........we've definitely experienced a sea change in the way the weather used to be predictable to now being haphazard or just plain strange at times, out of season.

May was always the most beautiful spring month with the lilacs, apple blossoms, etc., it is often rainy. Lots of rain.

In the earlier times, summers were also predictable with MAYBE ONE HEAT WAVE in the one had air conditioning like we all have now. A brief summer thunderstorm would cool things down...........this past summer, it rained from morning till night........on many occasions. Summers are HOTTER & RAINIER.

Autumns were also another glorious month back when the weather was more predictable (as the seasonal norm) but lately, autumn has become more rainy.......knocking the beautifully colored leaves from the trees prematurely.........JUST LOTS MORE RAIN.

So many weather pattern changes up here.....over the years......

However, this winter, the snow has returned, with the sub zero temps.

My husband cannot tolerate the HEAT. All of a sudden, the past few years, he loves the Arctic blast of cold.......go figure.
It's become a battle of the thermostats........I raise them; he lowers them.

Four seasons are really each only last for three months.
Then we can all complain about the next season.