Thread: Death penalty.
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Old 01-09-2008, 03:43 AM
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Default Re: Death penalty.

Personally I do not care if you fry them or shoot them or let them rot. When the person they killed in what ever degraded manner returns from the grave then they can be let out of prison.

I would like to see the killers subjected to the same kind of punishment that they subjected their victems to. For example, Couley should be handcuffed and stuffed in a plastic bad and buried alive after he is been treated to a good-bye party by Tiny and Bubba.

If you don't believe in the death penalty then all convicted criminals should be put into the general population and let the population sort them out.

Or we could alway make them part of Bush's army and let them go after Al Qaeda and then we could bring our men and women back home!! Win-Win!