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Old 01-18-2015, 11:03 AM
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Madelaine Amee Madelaine Amee is offline
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Originally Posted by Challenger View Post
Sounds right

Still would like to know why District is on the hook for pymt of the fines???
Dosen't pass the "smell" test
Rightly or wrongly, I'm going to assume that the District is on the hook for this due to the fact that the damage is in their District. According to the information that was passed along in the meeting I attended, SOMEONE has to pay for the damage, and right now that someone is The Villages in one form or another. I am only assuming that if, and when, the perpetrator is found they will be prosecuted, and it will then be up to court to decide how painful the settlement will be.

This is much bigger than it seems on the surface ........... we will now have the State Environmental Dept. crawling all over TV, we will have SWFWMD as regular visitors and certainly more Florida Agencies breathing down the Developer's neck. I, personally, believe that the Developer has done everything by the book in building TV and this criminal act will make him a target.
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