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Old 01-22-2015, 04:01 PM
GaryW GaryW is offline
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Originally Posted by Walter123 View Post
Why aren't all of you out riding your bikes today?
I rode 35 miles into work this morning at 4am....... So now I can sit here and read all this..

Cardio benefits are much greater on the open roads... the tunnels are have no affect or change to the cardio. They are not big enough to change any routine. The little rolling hills on Stillwater are nice little challenge and will hit your cardio hard when doing timed sprints on them.
But for overall cardio riding the open road is unmatched when you can do interval sprints when you want to. You can ride for the most part with out having to stop every mile or so, then the cardio benefits are much greater. On my long rides, we usually avg about 23 or so MPH. alot of times we are rolling at speeds up to 30 or more pushing pace for the work out. When you can do that for a extended period of time, then you will see the benefits. especially in the 100 mile ride range. Thus is why most cyclist that are in it for the workout as much as the fun will ride on the roads.

Now with that said,, I do not recommend young ones and the average beach cruiser rider to ride up and down Morse or Buena Vista, No Helment, no anything. Then only doing like 5 mph and wobbling along the road. Our group passed a gent on Buena Vista by Lake Sumter Landing the other day. He had on no helment,, regular shorts and T Shirt. We had to swerve way out because of he was like almost in middle of the outside lane. We were rolling near 25mph. Riders like that need to be on the MMP. For the most part when I am by myself I will go up on the MMP. But in a group, road all the way.