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Old 01-23-2015, 09:27 AM
dirtbanker dirtbanker is offline
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Originally Posted by poster
I believe the registration for my cars cover all of the above mentioned.. SO now you want me to pay on my bicycle also.
Yes I do! You are using and enjoying the road MORE having a car and a bicycle, Pay MORE for it. Seems fair to me...

If bicyclist were required to pay for license plates, they would have to display the plate on the bicycle. When they came to the line of cars waiting their turn at a 4 way stop intersection and the cyclist proceeded to rudely drive up the side of the vehicles already sitting there (of course he has his Lance Armstrong wannabe outfit on! ), someone could video tape it on their phone, get the cyclist license plate number, and file a complaint with police.

I agree that there are nut jobs behind the wheel of some cars, but IMHO there seems to be a greater percentage of nut jobs on bicycles. Several times a year I experience bicyclist riding their bicycle down a windy 2 lane road during morning rush hour (people are trying to get to work on time!) and the bicyclist is waving at me to pass in a non passing zone were I can't see if anyone is coming from the other way. I don't trust that stranger's opinion weather there is enough room to pass...just ridiculous!

BTW - I have and ride a bicycle on occasion, and when I do, I ride on the bike path. I would not need to have license plates there...