Have you done the elect cart rebate?

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Old 10-17-2009, 01:45 PM
deano_hoosier deano_hoosier is offline
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Default Have you done the elect cart rebate?

Editorial in today's WSJ "Cash for Clubbers" referenced the gov't stimulus for electric powered vehicles which provides a rebate for road worthy electric vehicles (golf carts included, no limit on the number you buy).

The rebate from Uncle runs from $4,200 - $5,500 and can be boosted by a state supplement as well. The Villages was mentioned as an area hot for golf cart sales and the tax rebate.

So, just curious, have you "bought" an electric cart with this stimulus rebate in your plans?

IRS Ruling Notice 2009-58 is pretty detailed and there are limits, but several of the golf carts I've seen in The Villages would seem to qualify if purchased yet this year. GEM carts come to mind?
Columbus, IN and Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD

Last edited by deano_hoosier; 10-18-2009 at 03:46 AM.
Old 10-17-2009, 04:13 PM
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I thought in previous posts the rebate only applied to those carts that were street legal carts, not plane electric golf carts. Could someone clarify please.
Patchogue, NY; Village of Bonita Sept.09
Old 10-17-2009, 06:56 PM
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the government credit is for street legal carts only, so you'll need insurance and registration, which in time offsets the govt credit, however it is a pretty good deal if that's what you're in the market for.
Old 10-17-2009, 06:57 PM
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PS- 20mph seems plenty fast enough for me on a golf cart to be safe, and I don't plan to drive on a street in one, so I'll forego the credit and just skip the insurance and registration, but that's just how I see it
Old 10-18-2009, 07:31 AM
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Default I agree

Some of these GOLF carts ought to be in races already. I agree that in time the cost of registration etc. will offset the rebate. I was just looking for a clarification because all I could see was everybody running for electric for the rebate and then wind up getting the short end.There are places that will tell you anything to get your money. I have my gas cart and am quite happy. I'm in no hurry 19.9 MPH is fast enought for me.
Patchogue, NY; Village of Bonita Sept.09
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